Au Revoir (french); Tot ziens (flemish); Sayonara and Aloha L.A! ______________________________

Hi everyone!

As most of you know, Ray has accepted a 2-year assignment with Toyota's European Headquarters in Brussels, Belgium. For those of you who do not know, Belgium is located next to France, Germany and the Netherlands. The home of NATO and the European Union, it is considered the "gateway to Europe" with its easy access to many European countries. (Hint, hint--good excuse to come and visit!)

Ray started his new position in February, 2008. The girls and I arrived here in late March. We are living just outside the city of Brussels in the commune of Tervuren, Belgium.

Although we are sad to temporarily leave our family and friends, we are excited for this adventure. What an opportunity to leave our tiny box and experience life outside of America!

Sunday, November 30, 2008

PS turns 3 Years Old!!!

We all know how fast time flies by! And for us, this became quite evident when our "littlest" princess turned 3 on November 22nd!

PS got to celebrate her special day on 3 separate occasions... Here she is having a great time celebrating her birthday at school...

Then, on her actual birthday (Nov. 22), PS wanted to go to McDonalds for lunch. Here are the girls' enjoying their Happy Meals!

Later that
evening, we opened presents with Grandma and Grandpa while we all sang happy birthday to PS! Actually, GM and GP were back home in California, but thanks to Skype, they were right there along with us via webcam. Oh, the marvels of modern technology!!

Finally, PS had her big 3rd birthday party this past Sunday at our home. She had a wonderful day, helping Mommy and big sis DS bake cookies and cupcakes in preparation for the festivities. But, the most fun was having all of her friends come over to play!

And of course, opening presents!!!

PS' birthday cupcakes

Happy Birthday PS! And stop growing up so fast!!!

Love, Mommy and Daddy

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