Au Revoir (french); Tot ziens (flemish); Sayonara and Aloha L.A! ______________________________

Hi everyone!

As most of you know, Ray has accepted a 2-year assignment with Toyota's European Headquarters in Brussels, Belgium. For those of you who do not know, Belgium is located next to France, Germany and the Netherlands. The home of NATO and the European Union, it is considered the "gateway to Europe" with its easy access to many European countries. (Hint, hint--good excuse to come and visit!)

Ray started his new position in February, 2008. The girls and I arrived here in late March. We are living just outside the city of Brussels in the commune of Tervuren, Belgium.

Although we are sad to temporarily leave our family and friends, we are excited for this adventure. What an opportunity to leave our tiny box and experience life outside of America!

Tuesday, November 11, 2008

Carnival season in Maastricht

In Belgium, November 11 is a national holiday to commemorate Armistice Day, the end of fighting during World War I. In the US, November 11 is Veteran’s Day, to honor our military veterans.

But, in the Netherlands, November 11 is Party Time! It is the beginning of one of the world’s longest Carnival festivals, the Roman Catholic celebration usually held just prior to Lent. Apparently in the Netherlands, the Dutch believe it’s never too early to start partying.

We found out all this strictly by accident. To take advantage of this day off from work (and despite the fact I was fighting jet lag from my trip to LA), the girls wanted to get out of the house and go do some sightseeing. We decided to visit the nearby town of Maastricht, just over the Belgian/Dutch border. Approximately an hour’s drive from Tervuren, we headed out to the town centre and arrived just after lunch time.

What we found was a huge crowd of people, gathered around a small square filled with food booths, games, a stage with live entertainment and plenty of alcohol! It was quite a pleasant surprise for us all.

The people we met there were all very friendly and eager to help explain to us the meaning of the Carnival season in the Netherlands. No doubt they noticed the look on our faces as the crowds of costumed party goers sang songs, drank beer and celebrated the start of this long Carnival event – scheduled to continue on through til the grand finale event in February!

Maybe we'll have to come back again for that...

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