Au Revoir (french); Tot ziens (flemish); Sayonara and Aloha L.A! ______________________________

Hi everyone!

As most of you know, Ray has accepted a 2-year assignment with Toyota's European Headquarters in Brussels, Belgium. For those of you who do not know, Belgium is located next to France, Germany and the Netherlands. The home of NATO and the European Union, it is considered the "gateway to Europe" with its easy access to many European countries. (Hint, hint--good excuse to come and visit!)

Ray started his new position in February, 2008. The girls and I arrived here in late March. We are living just outside the city of Brussels in the commune of Tervuren, Belgium.

Although we are sad to temporarily leave our family and friends, we are excited for this adventure. What an opportunity to leave our tiny box and experience life outside of America!

Wednesday, November 18, 2009

Casino Night in Belgium!

Ray and I recently spent a Saturday night out with friends and checked out the Grand Casino of Brussels, right in the heart of town...

Walking to the Grand Casino Brussels...

To get into the casino was quite strict. First we had to go through the formality of checking in at the front desk, present our identification, take a picture, and sign a form stating we understood the rules of the gaming establishment (including no camera, drats!). Then, we had to check in our coats (mandatory) before passing security where we showed our new membership cards to pass through the doors to the actual casino!

After browsing the casino to see what it had to offer (no worries, Vegas!), we enjoyed some nice conversation at one of the bars before trying out our luck.

But as luck would have it, Ray and I unfortunately didn't have any! However, we were pleased that we were "good luck charms" as the others did very well at the Roulette and card tables! And we were glad to finally see what a European Casino was like.

Pete, Anne, Dirk, Tor & Jo (Ray's taking the picture!)

After the others cashed in their winnings, we took a stroll through town and stopped for some yummy frites, or shall we say chips (since a few of us were visiting from the UK) before heading over to the Grand Place. The Grand Place is such an awesome place, no matter how many times you go there -- especially on a cool clear night like this!

The Town Hall at the Grand Place...

It's still one of my favorites spots in Belgium!!

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