Au Revoir (french); Tot ziens (flemish); Sayonara and Aloha L.A! ______________________________

Hi everyone!

As most of you know, Ray has accepted a 2-year assignment with Toyota's European Headquarters in Brussels, Belgium. For those of you who do not know, Belgium is located next to France, Germany and the Netherlands. The home of NATO and the European Union, it is considered the "gateway to Europe" with its easy access to many European countries. (Hint, hint--good excuse to come and visit!)

Ray started his new position in February, 2008. The girls and I arrived here in late March. We are living just outside the city of Brussels in the commune of Tervuren, Belgium.

Although we are sad to temporarily leave our family and friends, we are excited for this adventure. What an opportunity to leave our tiny box and experience life outside of America!

Sunday, January 11, 2009

It's a Winter Wonderland!!

As mentioned on a previous post, this winter is proving to be Belgium's coldest in over 12 years! And although it has been c-o-l-d (!!!), I must say it has been beautiful and truly a "winter wonderland"!!! Wow, what an amazing experience for us Southern Californians to actually have 4 inches of snow covering our front and back yards. And along with this weather, comes some amazing sights and experiences...

Here is PS with some of her school friends, sliding down a slope across the street from school.

And here we are walking, sliding and playing on the frozen lakes of Tervuren Park!! This was a first-time experience for all of us!! (Too bad we didn't have our own ice skates...)

And although our family and friends back home in L.A. are experiencing record temperatures of over 80 degrees F, we wouldn't trade places for anything...

But then again, ask us in about a month after the novelty of snow wears off...!!!

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