Au Revoir (french); Tot ziens (flemish); Sayonara and Aloha L.A! ______________________________

Hi everyone!

As most of you know, Ray has accepted a 2-year assignment with Toyota's European Headquarters in Brussels, Belgium. For those of you who do not know, Belgium is located next to France, Germany and the Netherlands. The home of NATO and the European Union, it is considered the "gateway to Europe" with its easy access to many European countries. (Hint, hint--good excuse to come and visit!)

Ray started his new position in February, 2008. The girls and I arrived here in late March. We are living just outside the city of Brussels in the commune of Tervuren, Belgium.

Although we are sad to temporarily leave our family and friends, we are excited for this adventure. What an opportunity to leave our tiny box and experience life outside of America!

Thursday, May 8, 2008

Ray and Jo go to the Opera

The email read, "Click here for a chance to Win!!!"

I figured why not? So I clicked and a week or so later came the email stating that I had won 2 tickets to see the opera Medee at the historic opera house, La Monnaie. Boy, lucky me!!!
Actually, lucky Jo Ann. She is always up for some cultural enlightening. Me? I was hoping for some tickets to the Formula One race, or maybe a nice Lexus jacket...
Anyways the big day finally came and we got a last minute babysitter for the girls. La Monnaie is located in downtown Brussels and for some (subconscious?) reason, I mistakenly thought the opera started at 3:30. It was actually at 3:00, so we were already running late...

We pulled up in front of La Monnaie a few minutes after 3. We figured we would just pull into a parking spot and get to our seats a few minutes late. WRONG! As luck would have it, we found ourselves on a one lane road, directly behind a car that decides to break down.

Our luck doesn't improve. La Monnaie doesn't allow latecomers inside until the first intermission. We ended up watching the first half of Medee on a TV monitor... Not sure how Jo Ann is taking this at this point. I decide to get her some wine...

When intermission finally comes, we are led to a private salon, where they served champagne and desserts made from the finest Belgian chocolates. My luck is improving...

We are shown to the private Toyota box and the view is terrific. It was also very comfortable... As soon as the lights dimmed, Jo was glued to the stage, paying close attention to the remainder of the French opera and trying to follow the story line. I was trying hard to stay awake...

When the show ended (and I woke up), we headed outside and had dinner just outside the theater. Summer has arrived early in Brussels and we took full advantage of the weather and the fact that the girls were with a babysitter.

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