As most of you know, Ray has accepted a 2-year assignment with Toyota's European Headquarters in Brussels, Belgium. For those of you who do not know, Belgium is located next to France, Germany and the Netherlands. The home of NATO and the European Union, it is considered the "gateway to Europe" with its easy access to many European countries. (Hint, hint--good excuse to come and visit!)
Ray started his new position in February, 2008. The girls and I arrived here in late March. We are living just outside the city of Brussels in the commune of Tervuren, Belgium.
Although we are sad to temporarily leave our family and friends, we are excited for this adventure. What an opportunity to leave our tiny box and experience life outside of America!

Friday, May 30, 2008
A "Lille" more of France
Thursday, May 29, 2008
Another day in Paradisio...
Each year, the city of Mons re-creates the Battle of Lumecon -- a 4th century medieval folklore legend, where a Christian knight saves a princess whose kingdom was held hostage by an evil dragon. After the dragon is slain by the knight, the city of Mons is saved and enjoys good luck for yet another year...
After reading about this event, we decided to check it out. We almost made it. Even before we approached the city center, we noticed the huge crowd and suddenly realized how popular this event was going to be.
There was not a single parking spot to be found for miles around – every conceivable spot was taken. Knowing that Ray would never give up looking for a spot to park (for my benefit), I elected to give up the dragon and let Mons battle it out on its own. (Maybe we can give it another go next year, Ray?)
Luckily, with all the reading I've been doing, I knew Parc Paradisio was nearby. It was a no-brainer that the girls would love this alternative. Paradisio is an animal park most famous for its 3,000+ birds. Located on the grounds of a 12th century Cistercian abbey, this 134 acre park was filled with over 50 varieties of trees, a river, an old abbey tower and thousands of plants and flowers. Just walking through the beautiful grounds was quite lovely (yes, we are beginning to talk like Europeans!) The animal residents were an added bonus. One of the highlights was "monkey island" where cute little monkeys would jump on you as you walked by. Although DS and PS did not like the idea of monkeys crawling on them, it led to a HUGE challenging playground which made up for it and entertained the entire family. The park is also home to Nautilus, one of the most interesting and unique aquariums we've seen thus far. Located inside a 19th-century chateau, it was an underwater world inspired by science-fiction writer Jules Verne (remember those reading assignments at school?)
And I must mention the birds-of-prey show, featuring eagles, condors and vultures that fly just (barely) above the heads of the spectators. The birds were beautiful! Although it was really something to see these birds up close, it was sad to see these magnificent creatures chained to their little "houses" while they were not performing.
Tuesday, May 27, 2008
"What Do You Miss Most About Home???"
DS: Art Classes, Grandpa and Grandma.
PS: Grandpa, Grandma and Miss Terri. (PS' pre-school teacher in CA)
Jo: "Girls' Night Out" with her gal-pals back in CA
Me: I miss my garage... I knew where everything was and actually had room to park cars inside!
Aside from a few miscellaneous things, the list is pretty short. It has been amazing how well the girls and I have adapted to our new surroundings. Of course, we all miss our friends and family, but surprisingly, nobody has had any issues with missing the CA weather, food or things that we used to do.
I'll ask everyone again in a few more months and see what happens...
Saturday, May 24, 2008
Business Trips (no, it really is Business...)

I am fortunate that my assignment in Europe allows me the opportunity to visit many different countries where Toyota has business interests. Part of my assignment is to see how things operate in different regions of Europe.
Recently, I made a couple of business trips that have let me check off a few more countries off my list. Actually, it was one more country than I had anticipated...

Slovakia has since undergone some dramatic changes, and you only have to just look around to witness it. Flashy new shopping centers are built next to drab gray, ex-Communist facilities.

Heading back to Vienna to catch our flight home, we must have made a wrong turn somewhere. As we crossed the border, we are shocked to find ourselves not in Austria, but in Hungary!!!
A day does not pass where I don't remind him of this. And the funny thing is that he is Hungarian!!!
Thankfully, my next trip to Oslo, Norway was without incident. Especially, since I was travelling with a new boss.
Oslo is about a two-hour flight from Brussels, and is one of the Scandinavian countries, just due east across the North Sea from the UK. When I think of Scandinavia, I think of long hours of sunlight or darkness, depending on the season.
And boy, was I right! We walked out of the restaurant from dinner at 9:00PM and it looked like 4PM in the afternoon. That evening, I woke up at 3:30AM to peek outside and it was getting light already!!!
Norway is a beautiful country with friendly people and a very relaxed atmosphere. Even the staff at the Toyota office I visited seemed to be so relaxed and laid back!
However, one of the things I saw at dinner was an entree called "Reindeer Rudolph". I'll just have to make sure that I don't traumatize the girls by ordering that dish...
Wednesday, May 21, 2008
Mother's Day in Durbuy

Tuesday, May 13, 2008
Labor Day Weekend comes early to Europe

After arriving in Dover and heading out on the highway, we made the two hour road trip to our hotel, the Windsor Marriott. In the UK, we found it nice to be able to read all of the signs again. Speeds were again posted in MPH and distances were in miles and feet, instead of kilometers and meters. However, since they do drive on the opposite side of the road, there were a couple of occasions where I had to think twice about which lane to turn into...

Legoland was a full day for us and we were beat by the end of the day (at least Daddy was!). We spent a quiet night back at the hotel, preparing for Day 3.

Anyways, I made sure that everyone knew we HAD to leave Legoland by 4:30P to catch our train back to France. So, naturally we didn't get on the road until 5:15! But, the nice thing about England is that you can drive so much faster than in the US. Our navigation system said that the 100 mile distance to Folkestone was just a little over an hour's drive away (you do the math!) Anyways, we almost made it on time...

We reserved the Eurotunnel back to Europe, and although we missed our reserved train, there was another one 20 minutes later. The Eurotunnel was a great choice for the way back, because you just drive onto the train, park your car and relax inside until the train arrives in Calais, France. All this for about 100 bucks!!!
We returned home to Brussels about midnight and carried the sleepyheads from the car to their bedrooms. They were both fast asleep and hopefully were dreaming of the wonderful weekend we all spent in England...
Sunday, May 11, 2008
Botanical Field Trip
The Glasshouses are located on the same beautiful grounds as the Chateau Royal (home of the Belgian Royal Family) and house tens of thousands of plants and flowers, some of which were originally planted during the days of King Leopold.
Thursday, May 8, 2008
Ray and Jo go to the Opera

Monday, May 5, 2008
"Welkom" to Never-Netherland...

After leaving Keukenhof, we set out on our next adventure of seeing the flower parade. I say adventure because the parade was already in progress and we had to get to a spot ahead of the parade to see it. Combine that w/about a thousand other cars and buses on the narrow roads trying to do the same thing. But, amazingly, with a little bit of luck, Ray made some fancy moves (partly by driving on the wrong side of the road), made a quick turn, and voila! -- front row seats to see the parade! Look out Pasadena Rose Parade!